This is Winston, our March Pet of the Month. He is a handsome Miniature Schnauzer who will turn 2 next month. Winston, a.k.a. Big W, thinks that he is a much bigger dog, even though he only weighs in at 17 lbs. He loves to play with the big dogs! His favorite toys are his Lamb Chop, horsey and fox. To impress his family, Winston likes to “Roll Over!” and show how he can jump on the table. If he is a good boy, he gets his favorite treat, an Everlasting Treat Ball.
Way to go Winston! Congratulations to go to him and his family for being selected as our Pet of the Month!
Winston was selected by random drawing of all entries submitted during the month of February. If you would like a chance to have your pet featured as our pet of the month, stop by the clinic any time during our open hours to complete an entry form.